MLI for beginners – Introduction to MLI
Saturday International Tax Gyan!! (SITG No. 138) #taxmadeeasy#taxinpic MLI for Beginners (Part-2) – Introduction to MLI [28.01.2023]
Saturday International Tax Gyan!! (SITG No. 138) #taxmadeeasy#taxinpic MLI for Beginners (Part-2) – Introduction to MLI [28.01.2023]
Dear all, With our this week’s FEMA ke FUNDAE, we have simplified the concept of Cross-Border Employees’ Stock Options. #FEMAkeFUNDAE #FamiliarwithFEMA #fema #rbi #compliances
Saturday International Tax Gyan!! (SITG No. 137) #taxmadeeasy #taxinpic MLI for Beginners Series (Part-1) Basics of BEPS
Hi all,As there are a lot of complications faced by many of us regarding how to study FEMA, this time we have come up with a Fema ke Fundae to simplify the hierarchy for you all. #FemakeFundae #hierarchyofFEMA
Saturday International Tax Gyan!! (SITG No. 136) #taxmadeeasy #taxinpic Amount received by a registrar during the process of registering Domain Name, could not be considered to royalty as per the DTAA {PDR Solutions FZC Vs Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax [2023] 146 84 (Mumbai Trib.)[30 12 2022]}
Dear All, In this issue, we are simplifying FEMA provisions relating to Going Abroad for Medical Treatment FEMA ke FUNDAE #FamiliarwithFEMA
Saturday International Tax Gyan!! (SITG No. 135) #taxmadeeasy #taxinpic Sales and customer support services received outside India cannot be considered as accrued in India as per Sec 9(1)(vii) Springer Verlag GmbH Vs Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax [2022] 141 410 (Delhi Trib.)[23 08 2022]
Dear All, In this issue, we are simplifying FEMA provisions relating to Realisation of Export Proceeds. FEMA ke FUNDAE #FamiliarwithFEMA